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Introducing scenic spots
Shinsui Park

Venture further along the ‘Futami Jozan-no Michi’ nature trail from the ‘Ikioi-no Hiroba’ clearing and the Ikoi Bridge (that spans the entrance to the Usubetsu Forest Road) appears on your right. Do not cross the bridge but head toward the upper reaches of the Toyohira River, where you will find Shinsui Park, which includes the scenic Akaiiwa-no Kan stream.

Despite its modest size, Shinsui Park is a treasure trove of wild vegetation in spring and summer and, in autumn, an abundance of Downy Japanese maple trees create an autumn foliage spot beyond description. In winter, its snowy fields make it a perfect location to explore on snowshoes – a place where the workings of nature are condensed and the scenery is a sight to behold.

A paradise of secret rituals and wild vegetation

 In early spring, when the snow still remains, the Ezo salamanders gather in puddles to engage in mating activities that could be said to be ‘secret rituals.’ Such scenes are hard to find, even if you wanted to, but here they can be seen every year.

  As the snow melts, pretty flowers such as dogtooth violet and ‘Ezo-engosaku’ (corydalis fumariifolia) begin to bloom, awakening other species like wind flowers and wake robins (trillium smallii) as the entire park begins to resemble a ballroom for spring fairies.

  From May to June, the familiar faces of the alpine zone – such as various types of ‘ichiyakuso’ (pyrola japonica), ‘tachikamebaso’ (trigonotis guilielmii), ‘nambuso’ (achlys japonica), ‘tsumatoriso’ (trientalis europaea), common wood sorrel (oxalis acetosella) and the like – bloom in unison as if they have all relocated there. 

Many species of orchid, such as snakeberries, ‘hitorishikuza’ (chloranthus quadrifolius) and even ‘saihairan’ (cremastra appendiculate) can also be seen during this season, in which Shinsui Park becomes a wild vegetation paradise that is quite astounding.

Birdwatching possible all year round

  It is not just wild vegetation; many birds can also be seen – the Parus genus of birds such as the Japanese tit; as well as resident birds such as the long-tailed tit, crested kingfisher, black woodpecker and the like; summer birds such as the blue-and-white flycatcher and grey wagtail; and winter birds such as the dusky thrush and Japanese waxwing frequent the area. Of course, birds of prey such as white-tailed eagles, mountain hawk-eagles and northern goshawks also fly by.


Jozankei Onsen Minami-ku Sapporo


sightseeing, nature
park, naturetrail, scenery